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Community United Church

Community United Church is an ecumenical and Open and Affirming Christian congregation.

An ecumenical church is one that promotes unity and cooperation among different Christian denominations. Ecumenical churches seek to foster dialogue, mutual understanding, and collaboration among various branches of Christianity. The ultimate goal is to overcome historical divisions and work towards greater communion with one another, as we honor Christ as the head of the Church--on earth and in heaven. We live into that ecumenical vision in formal and informal ways. We are officially affiliated with two denominations: the United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ. And, given the diverse background of our congregation, our members come from many different denominations. Together, we seek to preserve the best parts of our traditions, while being open to new insights on the journey of faith.  

An Open and Affirming (ONA) Christian church is one that boldly welcomes and affirms LGBTQ+ people and families. Community United Church is a nationally recognized ONA congregation. Our faith teaches us that diversity is part of the handiwork of God. Because we follow God in the ways of Jesus Christ, and with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we are proudly LGBTQ+ affirming. In our congregation, straight and LGBTQ+ people worship together and serve together in harmony. Indeed, we strive to be a community where all are welcome, inclusive of people's socio-economic status, race and ethnicity, age, ability, and/or faith traditions.

Here, we believe faith should be shared like an offering with opened hands. We believe in mystery and grace. In this life, we believe divine love should make us more hospitable to all. We believe the same love requires justice and mercy. And we dare to believe that in our ever-evolving and changing world… God is in us, and around us …and… that this God is still speaking...


God calls us to be an Open and Affirming Christian congregation devoted to the Gospel of Christ and to the Holy Spirit's gifts of faith, hope, and love. We do so that all people may be assured of the grace of God, and to find that through worship, study, fellowship, and service.

Programs and Services

Community United Church is a vibrant and growing Christian congregation. The members and friends of our church are people of many different denominational backgrounds and perspectives. Here, we encourage one another to explore the mysteries of faith and to build community in love. As a people of faith, we seek union with God through the life of Christ and the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit. We are a nationally recognized Open and Affirming church, warmly inclusive of LGBTQ+ people. We believe diversity is part of God's creation, and as such, we seek to serve all people. Our church has a wide variety of worship, educational, and service opportunities. We continually update our ministries and programming to meet the needs of our community. Please see our online calendar for up-to-date events! Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. 


Community United Church is formally affiliated with two denominations: The United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ. We are connected to Inter-Church Ministries of Erie, PA, and we enjoy ecumenical connections with a number of other religious traditions. 

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