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Embracing Support

Douglas Hearn | Monday Mar 25th, 2024

As we reflect on Jesus' journey to his crucifixion, we are reminded of the profound truth that even the Son of God experienced moments of weakness and vulnerability. Jesus, in his humanity, fell under the weight of his cross, symbolizing the immense burden he bore for humanity. Similarly, in our own lives, we may find ourselves overwhelmed by the weight of our trials and tribulations, forced to our knees by the sheer magnitude of our struggles.

In these moments of despair, it is crucial to resist the temptation to succumb to self-doubt and fear. Our inner voices may try to convince us that we are not strong enough or worthy enough to endure the challenges we face. Yet, we remember the example of Simon, who selflessly stepped forward to help Jesus carry his cross. Just as Simon came to Jesus' aid, so too others come to support us in our time of need.

Let us take comfort in the knowledge that we are never alone in our struggles. God's love and grace surround us, and will send companions to walk alongside us on our journey. With faith and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle, knowing that better days lie ahead. Trust in God's plan, lean on the support of those around you, and keep moving forward with hope in your heart.

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