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Following Christ’s Call to Serve

Douglas Hearn | Monday Oct 21st, 2024

Jesus teaches that true greatness comes not from wielding power, but from humble service. He reminds His disciples that, unlike earthly rulers who seek control, anyone who desires to be first must become a servant of all. This is the heart of servant leadership, a model of leadership rooted in Christ’s example of selfless love and sacrifice. As followers of Christ, we are called not to pursue glory for ourselves but to serve others, reflecting His love and grace in all that we do.

Servant leadership, as modeled by Jesus, challenges us to lay aside our desire for personal recognition and instead focus on the needs of those around us. Just as Jesus came “not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many,” we too are called to lead by lifting others up, offering our time, gifts, and compassion to those in need. Through acts of service, we share in the mission of Christ, becoming His hands and feet in the world. In doing so, we build God’s kingdom on earth, one small act of love at a time.

In embracing servant leadership, we participate in the radical love that Christ exemplified. By putting others before ourselves, we echo the humility and grace that Jesus showed throughout His ministry. This path of servant leadership not only transforms those we serve but deepens our relationship with God, as we become more like Christ. In serving others, we discover the true meaning of leadership—sacrificing for the good of others and glorifying God through our actions.

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