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Douglas Hearn | Monday Jul 1st, 2024
In the Gospels, Jesus is asked a remarkable 183 questions, yet He directly answers only about 3 of them. This might seem perplexing at first, but it reveals a significant aspect of His teaching method. Rather than providing straightforward answers, Jesus often responds with parables, counter-questions, or statements that challenge the questioners' perspectives. This approach encourages deeper contemplation and personal engagement, prompting His followers to seek a more profound understanding of their faith.
Interestingly, Jesus Himself asks over 300 questions throughout the Gospels. These questions range from the practical to the deeply existential, all designed to provoke thought and reflection. This dynamic can remind us of the relentless curiosity found in children, whose questions can be both challenging and enlightening, pushing us to think about the world in new ways and to explain things we might otherwise take for granted. In a similar vein, Jesus uses questions to open up new avenues of thought and understanding, encouraging us to explore our beliefs more deeply.
Perhaps the lesson here is that faith is not about having all the answers neatly lined up, but about learning to ask good questions. Just as a child's persistent "why" questions prompt reflection and learning, Jesus' questions push His followers to delve deeper into their spiritual journey. In a world that often values certainty and quick answers, Jesus' approach invites us to embrace curiosity and humility. It reminds us that the journey of faith is an ongoing process of seeking, questioning, and discovering, and that sometimes, the questions we ask can be more transformative than the answers we seek.

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