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Seeing The Face of God:Embracing God

Douglas Hearn | Tuesday Jul 9th, 2024

Victor Hugo once said, “To love another person is to see the face of God.” This profound statement captures the essence of what it means to live a life rooted in spiritual love and compassion. When we love others, we experience a divine connection that transcends the ordinary and touches the eternal. This love is not merely an emotion but a conscious choice to see the inherent worth and dignity in every individual, reflecting the divine image in each one of us. It is in these moments of genuine connection and empathy that we glimpse the sacred, experiencing a sense of unity and peace that mirrors the very nature of God.

In contrast, our world is often marred by voices that promote hatred, violence, and division. These forces work against the divine calling to love one another, creating rifts that harm not only individuals but entire communities. When we turn away from these destructive influences, we make a deliberate choice to uphold the values of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. Rejecting hatred and division is not passive; it requires active engagement and courage. It involves speaking out against injustice, building bridges of understanding, and fostering environments where love can flourish. By doing so, we resist the tide of negativity and become beacons of hope and healing in our fractured world.

Embracing the divine call to love and rejecting the forces of division transforms not only our lives but the world around us. When we choose love, we align ourselves with the highest spiritual principles, embodying the face of God in our actions and interactions. This path is not always easy, but it is profoundly rewarding. As we move forward with hearts open to love and minds committed to justice, we contribute to a world where peace and unity are possible. Let us be inspired by Hugo’s words and strive each day to see and reflect the divine in all our encounters, turning away from hatred and towards a future filled with hope and love.

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