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Sharing God’s Truth with Compassion

Douglas Hearn | Tuesday Aug 20th, 2024

The quote by Randy Alcorn, "God’s truths are not bricks to throw at people. They are bread to feed people," beautifully encapsulates the essence of how we should approach sharing faith and wisdom. Too often, religious or spiritual truths are wielded as weapons, used to condemn or judge others rather than uplift and nurture them. This approach can create division and fear, pushing people away rather than drawing them closer to the love and grace that is meant to be at the heart of our spiritual lives.

Instead, Alcorn's metaphor invites us to see God's truths as sustenance, something that nourishes and strengthens the soul. Just as bread is a basic necessity for physical life, spiritual truths are essential for the well-being of our souls. When shared with kindness and compassion, these truths can provide comfort, hope, and guidance, helping others to grow in their faith and find their own path to God. This perspective encourages us to approach others with humility and love, recognizing that our role is not to judge, but to offer support and understanding.

In a world where division and hostility often dominate the conversation, embracing this approach can be transformative. By seeing God's truths as bread, we become instruments of peace and healing, offering something that sustains rather than something that wounds. It challenges us to be mindful of our words and actions, ensuring that they reflect the love and grace we have received, and to share that love in a way that truly feeds the hearts and souls of those around us.

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