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The Water of Life

Douglas Hearn | Sunday Mar 12th, 2023

Exodus 17:1-7 tells the story of the Israelites journeying through the wilderness and facing the challenge of thirst. They turned to Moses and to God for help, the legend tells a miraculous intervention, water was provided to them.

However, this story is not just about a miraculous intervention, but it is also about the importance of access to clean water for survival. Unfortunately, access to clean water is not just a problem faced by the Israelites in the wilderness, but it is a problem faced by many communities worldwide, including some in the United States.

Access to clean water is a basic human right, yet there are still communities in the United States where this right is not being met. The number of U.S. communities confirmed to be contaminated with the highly toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS continues to grow. As of June 2022, 2,858 locations in 50 states and two territories are known to be contaminated.

This lack of access to clean water is a clear example of environmental injustice. Environmental justice is about ensuring that all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status, have access to a healthy environment and the basic necessities of life, such as clean water.

As believers, we are called to stand up for environmental justice and to work towards a world where all people have access to clean water. We can do this by advocating for policies that prioritize access to clean water for all, supporting organizations that work towards clean water initiatives, and educating ourselves and others about the importance of environmental justice.

In closing, let us remember the story of the Israelites in the wilderness and their struggle for access to water. Let us be inspired by this story to stand up for environmental justice and work towards a world where everyone has access to clean water, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status.

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